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HAM: Art for the People

HAM: Art for the People

When you are looking for a genuine art encounter in Finland, HAM (Helsinki Art Museum) is the place you don’t want to miss. With their immense collection of over 9,000 pieces in various art forms, you have a real chance to get lost in the best Finnish art.

3455bc9bab73d4cfd0093ab3ca022860 Cropped from original, "Monocle" by Ulla Jokisalo (2017), ©Ulla Jokisalo.

Besides guarding the Helsinki citizen's official art collection since 1885, HAM is present all over the city in the form of modern public art and approximately 200 public sculptures, that where you are involved in the locals’ everyday life.

d0cf3c7dfdcf8b1707ce48bb892f9544 (1) "Armour" by Antti Laitinen (2016), ©HAM/Maija Toivanen, and "Mielen metsän kääpiä" by Riikka Keränen (2017), ©Kuva: HAM/Hanna Kukorelli.   2d4d3671f25a5e847cdbfeaa06696983 The museum’s toilet facilities are done over with stunning mosaic work. "You dont know how beautiful you are" by Tuula Lehtinen (2015), ©HAM/Maija Toivanen.

The physical museum space is located at Tennis Palace and offers an extraordinary art experience, and not only in the conventional way. At HAM even the bathroom is art!

Both inside and out HAM is a contemporary art maze that upgrades the cityscape.
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